1.reinforcement characteristics. Plastic parts subjected to various loading under conditions of use, if the plastic parts of the structure cannot bear the load, it will affect the use of, or destroyed, in order to resist the loads, increase the wall thickness is the most simple method, but this method is easy to produce the shrinkage, dent, and material waste, and in the plastic parts the strength and stiffness of the weak points of design designed to strengthen the tendons, which improves the stress situation of plastic parts, plastic parts and materials; usually consists of a lot of wall of thin-walled structure, large area of plastic parts, a little stress can produce deformation, the deformation is not plastic parts damaged, but will greatly influence the use of plastic parts, and the reinforcing rib is arranged in the plastic parts of the weak parts, will effectively overcome warpage; reinforcement generally thick thick, sectional area is larger, the structure characteristics such as plastic parts in some thin body is arranged stiffeners, can provide an excellent channel for the rapid flow melt. 2.strengthen the design points of tendons. To strengthen the direction of reinforcement and melt flow during mold filling of the direction, so as not to melt flow disturbances resulting in plastic toughness decrease; reinforcement should not set up the central position in the large area plastic parts, when the central parts of non reinforced ribs, should be in the outer surface of the corresponding with a corrugated groove, so as to cover possible rhyolite and groove; strengthen the root application of arc transition band, to avoid external force to produce stress concentration and destruction; because the reinforcement mainly plays the enhancement, the band can not be installed on any parts, so as not to affect the use of performance; the thickness of the stiffener is not more than wall thickness, or prone to shrinkage defects such as plastic parts; a side have a lot of reinforcement, the arrangement should be staggered, to reduce the uneven shrinkage of the stress concentration, the plastic cracks; such as reinforcing the thick walled, prone to depression, the stress concentration at the root cause reinforcement, defects such as micro cracks, it may be appropriate to increase the number of reinforcement spacing, reinforcement, the general should be more than reinforced wall thickness is more than 4 times as well; strengthening rib back prone to depression, as this The reinforcing ribs, back set pattern, can cover the depression caused by, so as not to affect the appearance; if the ribs are not in the same plane, the top surface shall be flat, if the plane will bring difficulties to make plastic parts processing; surface smooth, reinforced end should not be confused with the supporting surface of plastic a flat, otherwise it will bring trouble to the processing. There should be greater than the gap of more than 0.5mm. |